Monday, May 20, 2013

The Word of the Day: Irrelevant

Remember when Obama's biggest criticism was that he took too many vacations?  Remember when his biggest problem was that people thought he played too much golf?  Remember when the biggest outrage was that he spent too much time hanging out with celebrities at the White House?  Do you think he would like to rewind back a few months to that time?

Remember when Democrats and the liberal media told us these things were non-issues?  Remember when they asserted that there was so few flaws in Obama's administration that Republicans were stretching to find anything to be upset about?

Well, in case you haven't seen the news lately, we are in the middle of three major scandals that happened under his watch.  Is he directly to blame for the Benghazi cover up  the IRS targeting of conservative groups, or the DoJ secretly going after AP and Fox News reporters?  Time will tell.  But now that there are legitimate scandals of massive proportions going down under his watch, Democrats will surely come around and join in on the outrage right?  When Republicans were complaining that he was taking too many vacations, they were the ones who basically yawned and said "Let us know when you find something real to complain about".  Well now we have something to complain about, and what is their reaction?  The exact same thing as before.

Apparently a terrorist attack on a US diplomatic mission in Benghazi and subsequent cover up is a non-issue.  An IRS scandal targeting individuals based on political ideology which could have influenced the outcome of the Presidential election is a non-issue.  The DoJ suppressing freedom of speech and press is a non-issue.  These things are "irrelevant" according to Whitehouse spokesperson Dan Pfeiffer.  These topics are unjust criticism.  These investigations are nothing more than right-wing partisan witch hunts.  In fact, you're probably a racist for even questioning the current administration.

There is proof in the released Benghazi emails that talking points were changed and the American people were lied to for some reason.  The DoJ has admitted it seized phone records of AP reporters and targeted a Fox News journalist in what is inappropriate at best; more likely criminal and unconstitutional.  The IRS has admitted it illegally targeted conservative groups for audits and delayed tax-exempt approval for them as well leading up to the election.  There have literally been laws broken, and somehow nobody is being held accountable, all while Dan Pfeiffer literally said the following words in response to a question of the legality of the IRS actions: "THE LAW IS IRRELEVANT".

Yes, you read that right.  In the eyes of the Obama administration, the law is irrelevant.  They do as they please, and will be shielded by plausible deniability and their pals in the liberal media.  Not only are these scandals, which all implicate top Democratic leadership, being disregarded as non-issues, but Democrats are somehow turning these things back onto Republicans.  Nancy Pelosi said these conservative groups targeted by the IRS "must make their goal social welfare and not politics".  Nevermind there's plenty of liberal groups who quickly and efficiently qualified for 501(c)(4) status.  Their political stances are irrelevant.  It only matters if you're conservative.  Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass) said "Even with the egregious actions that have been acknowledged by the IRS, there's still an underlying problem here, and that's 501(c)(4) being engaged in politics".

In other words, they were asking for it.  If you didn't want to be audited, then you shouldn't have been a Romney donor.  If you didn't want your tax-exempt status scrutinized and delayed, then you shouldn't have been a conservative group.  This is victim blaming at its best.  If that girl didn't want to get raped, she shouldn't have been dressed like that.  Let's make it law that women should dress in burqas, and then men won't be tempted to rape them.  Democrats are essentially saying disregard any crimes committed and laws broken in this situation which benefits ourselves; instead let's focus on making sure this doesn't happen again.  The victims in this case brought it upon themselves, so rather than hold anyone accountable for these crimes, let's make sure these corrupt individuals aren't tempted in the future to commit further crimes.

To take a step back, this brings up more questions in my mind.  Republicans were attacking the President over non-issues like playing golf with Tiger, attending concerts, and taking too many vacations.  What exactly was going on behind closed doors while the Obama was spending his time as a full-time celebrity President? None of these mounting scandals concerned him while he was on the golf course?  He thought all of these issues were irrelevant while he was vacationing in Hawaii?  What the hell were his priorities for the last six months?  Where was his concern for terrorist attacks, freedom of speech, and freedom of press?  Has the President really has his head buried in sand this whole time?  My guess is that if anyone bothers to ask what the President was doing for the last six months, you'll probably get the same answer as Dan Pfeiffer gave us Sunday:  That's irrelevant.

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